Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Days gone by

What have I been up to lately? Aside from obviously not blogging I have been trying to tackle all my assorted projects and accidentally starting new ones. My painting is nearing completion which is good since I have another 24x36 to start. I finished my second set of coasters after finally finding some cork to put on the backs. I most recently began re-apholstering my dining chairs. You see, my house has red and weird tan/yellowish walls which totally clash with the blue seats of the chairs, and as I'm not allowed to re-decorate in any way I only had the one option. I have a feeling this will take long to complete, I have one done but ran out of staples and I'm not very good at getting to the store. I want to do something to the backs too, since the cutout shapes clash with the zebra print I chose, without affecting the original chair, so it can always go back to the original.

Oh, I also lit my furnace all on my own. Not really a project but I'd like to think my dad is proud.

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